Delivery vs. Deliverability: Getting a True Blueprint of Your Program

Written by
Laura Sullivan

July 15, 2022

Most marketers will definitely agree that data is important. We’d like to believe that it drives what we do in any modern digital program. Data is holy, right?

But there’s one area in which many email marketers are under-informed on the performance of their program: delivery vs. deliverability.

We’ve replayed this conversation more than a few times: My delivery rate is 98% but my program is just underperforming overall.

Here’s the deal: delivery is a measurement of your sends minus your bounces. It shows if the emails you sent were accepted by the ESP of your recipient and simply didn’t bounce.

When you use a deliverability monitoring tool like Inbox Monster, you are getting the actual detail on how the house was built, from the foundation up.

Deliverability metrics allow you to look a level deeper to see where the message landed. Did it land in the inbox or in the dreaded SPAM folder–even giving you a glimpse into why that may have happened. Has your reputation taken a hit? Have you landed in any spam traps lately?

Think of it like this: If you were buying a house, if you look at the outside of the house, the facade, you’ll see some basics about it like the age, style, basic condition, neighborhood. But that likely wouldn’t be enough for you to make a major investment.

You would want to go inside and see every room, open every drawer, even see the plans and check the plumbing. You’d want to gather as much info as you could before feel good about your next move, right?

It’s the same with getting a closer look at your deliverability metrics. When you use a deliverability monitoring tool like Inbox Monster, you are getting the actual detail on how the house was built, from the foundation up.

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