Pixel perfect

Our robust engine delivers a 360 view of your email creative, so you know how your email is landing.

Creative rendering features

Device Preview

See how your content shows up in all modern mobile, webmail and desktop clients, including tricky but all-important dark mode views.


Proof your creative and comment on individual previews, collaborating with team members in real time. Get a shareable, branded URL of your rendering report for efficient feedback with non-platform users.

Link Validation

Powerful link reviews help you identify and fix broken links before your email is sent, including previews of the alt text.

Image Diagnostics

Monitor for image size, load times and hosting issues to ensure an optimal experience for every email. The total message size also ensures your email has the maximum impact.

Content Analysis

While there’s no replacement for true inbox placement testing, get an early warning system for any content that may trigger spam filters.


Measure content against Web Content Accessibility guidelines to make sure your emails are readable and impactful for everyone. The severity of any issues are rated, so you know where to focus your efforts.

Creative rendering features


Baking is Fun!

See how your content shows up in all modern mobile, webmail and desktop clients, including tricky but all-important dark mode views.


Baking is Fun!

Proof your creative and comment on individual previews, collaborating with team members in real time. Get a shareable, branded URL of your rendering report for efficient feedback with non-platform users.

Powerful link reviews help you identify and fix broken links before your email is sent, including previews of the alt text.

Monitor for image size, load times and hosting issues to ensure an optimal experience for every email. The total message size also ensures your email has the maximum impact.


While there’s no replacement for true inbox placement testing, get an early warning system for any content that may trigger spam filters. 


Baking is Fun!

Measure content against Web Content Accessibility guidelines to make sure your emails are readable and impactful for everyone. The severity of any issues are rated, so you know where to focus your efforts.

See the full picture

An updated approach

With 80+ modern device previews covering over 99% of emails sent worldwide, view only the relevant renderings that impact your program.

An updated approach

With 80+ modern device previews covering over 99% of emails sent worldwide, view only the relevant renderings that impact your program.

Integrated with advanced tools

Connected to rich inbox placement testing and a network of millions of spam traps–not half-baked “spam testing.”

Another dimension of context

Go a layer deeper to see how your emails are showing up with crucial accessibility info, image diagnostics, commenting and sharing capabilities, and more.

Ready to check out the platform?