Personalize at Scale with Confidence

Written by
Inbox Monster

June 7, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting new integration with Movable Ink. The integration allows marketers to easily test Movable Ink-powered modules on live devices and adjust content to ensure that every edge case works beautifully, putting a smile on the faces of marketing teams everywhere. 



After enabling the integration in one click, Inbox Monster users can simply paste HTML that includes Movable Ink modules or send a test to their unique creative email address. The dynamic elements will appear automatically, allowing users to change input values to test names, offers, locations, currency types, dynamic imagery, and more. They can also run previews on 80+ modern devices, including dark mode views, giving them more confidence to create personalized, relevant content for every inbox. 

Learn more about the integration on Movable Ink’s site.

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