SMS signals tool
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small screen

New insights for SMS

Delivery diagnostics
See if your messages are being caught in filters or otherwise blocked, with an easy-to-grasp view of deliverability for every major phone carrier in the United States and Canada.
Virtualized rendering
See how your short message is showing up on Android and Apple devices, including how many characters appear in the locked, list and message views, so you can make every word count.

Link validation
SMS is all about taking action on mobile. Be sure your links are functioning properly so you don’t lose out on a critical opportunity with your audience.

Link validation
SMS is all about taking action on mobile. Be sure your links are functioning properly so you don’t lose out on a critical opportunity with your audience.
Landing page previews
An important factor in getting your SMS messages delivered is having a trustworthy destination. See how the carriers view your landing experience so you don’t raise any flags.