In early June, Apple introduced the iOS 18, which includes three major changes to its Mail app user experience. Once again, this announcement forces marketers to figure out how to deal with those new features, and how they’ll affect how emails show up in the inbox....
A autenticação de domínio sempre foi um tema importante, mas se tornou ainda mais esse ano. As novas regras do Google e Yahoo exigem que as marcas façam a autenticação correta de seus domínios com SPF, DKIM e DMARC, além de ter muita atenção com suas reclamações de...
Domain authentication has always been a big topic, but even more so this year. Yahoo and Google’s most recent regulations require brands to properly authenticate and verify their domains with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, as well as keep a closer eye on their spam complaints...
Two years after Elon Musk announced that he was buying X (“formerly known as Twitter”), and after several turbulent changes in management and operation, how have newsletter senders adapted to this branded switch? We checked how some of the most popular...
“Newsletter é uma palavra genérica e gasta” – é assim que o Drew Price, Head de Product Marketing e líder de Marca, iniciou um post recente que compartilhou no LinkedIn. “Nem todos podem criar um conceito emblemático que sirva como uma...
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