Porquê o BIMI Deve Voltar em 2024

Porquê o BIMI Deve Voltar em 2024

A autenticação de domínio sempre foi um tema importante, mas se tornou ainda mais esse ano. As novas regras do Google e Yahoo exigem que as marcas façam a autenticação correta de seus domínios com SPF, DKIM e DMARC, além de ter muita atenção com suas reclamações de...
Why BIMI Should Make a Comeback in 2024

Why BIMI Should Make a Comeback in 2024

Domain authentication has always been a big topic, but even more so this year. Yahoo and Google’s most recent regulations require brands to properly authenticate and verify their domains with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, as well as keep a closer eye on their spam complaints...
The State of the Newsletter Economy in 2024

The State of the Newsletter Economy in 2024

“Newsletter is a generic, tired word” – that’s how Drew Price, Grammarly’s first Head of Product Marketing & Brand lead, started a recent post he shared on LinkedIn.   “Not everyone can create a flagship concept that serves as a core product experience and...