Artigos Mais Recentes

Year in Review Email Inspiration

Ah, the elusive Year In Review email—likely the most lengthy and difficult one you’ll create all year.  Unlike your ongoing newsletters, product announcements, or confirmation emails, the Year In Review email is the most personalized one you’ll...
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Your Holiday Deliverability Questions

No matter how much we prep, the holiday sending season is just a lot. We’ve all heard the tried and true advice and combed through the astronomical numbers. But our customers have some really good questions that we just haven’t heard before. Here’s...
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Porquê o BIMI Deve Voltar em 2024

Porquê o BIMI Deve Voltar em 2024

A autenticação de domínio sempre foi um tema importante, mas se tornou ainda mais esse ano. As novas regras do Google e Yahoo exigem que as marcas façam a autenticação correta de seus domínios com SPF, DKIM e DMARC, além de ter muita atenção com...
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