Enhanced Rendering Tool Gives Powerful Intel to Users

Written by
Laura Sullivan

May 18, 2023

We’ve launched some powerful new features in our creative rendering tool that give teams more clarity on how their emails are showing up in the inbox. While our expanded device views cover all modern email clients, these new features expand the ability to collaborate with team members and also give a wealth of contextual information for each rendering, so users can send with more confidence. 

Commenting Feature Allows for Real Time Collaboration

When viewing an individual rendering, users can now click on the comment icon in the upper right corner of the preview modal. A tray elegantly appears, allowing users to add a time-stamped comment to the individual rendering. This is a great way to collaborate with team members in different roles to pinpoint any creative issues before the email is sent. 

There’s an additional comment feed in the rendering tabs, so you can see a running list and be sure not to miss any comments while flipping through the device views. With so many previews being generated, this is a key way to get a full picture of where a piece of creative stands. 

Along with these comments, we’ve also released a commenting approval system, which makes addressing issues and giving the green light super easy. Rendering users can also now share a complete view of their rendering test to team members outside the tool using a unique URL that can be branded. 

More Image Intel for Every Send

A new tab called “Images” gives a diagnostic of every image in their email, showing file size and loading time, allowing marketers to catch any heavy images that could be slowing down load times or even get them into delivery trouble. The visual bars give a quick indication of the largest to smallest images at a glance. 

Accessibility Tool Flags Key Issues

Each rendering will now run through an accessibility check, which can now be found in the “Accessibility” tab. Making sure emails are viewable and impactful for everyone is a key responsibility of our industry, so users now have a view that flags any issues that aren’t compliant with WCAG guidelines, including color contrast, font sizes and proper file set up. This is a huge step in making email accessible to all! 

Content Testing Rules Out Questionable Words & Phrases

We have long heard that certain phrases can tip off spam filters, though we know these systems have become more sophisticated over the years. We believe there’s no substitute for true inbox placement testing (it’s what we live by!)–but we also understand the need for an early warning system for any eyebrow-raising content that is included by mistake. A growing list of these phrases are now flagged in the “Content Analysis” tab. 

We’re so excited to put these powerful features into our users’ hands, so they can truly land every send and have the maximum impact in the email channel. 


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