Inbox Monster Creates Critical New Signals for Marketers

Written by
Inbox Monster

September 28, 2023

Email and CRM practitioners have long faced a challenge with their growing SMS programs: They don’t know if their text messages are actually getting through to their recipients’ phones, despite the high price tag of these campaigns. Today Inbox Monster has released a suite of tools to arm marketers with more signals from their SMS program, revolutionizing the approach to the channel. 

The first-to-market suite of tools will be rooted in a delivery diagnostics engine that shows what percentage of SMS communications are being delivered to the end user, broken down by every major phone carrier in the United States and Canada. This easy-to-navigate interface gives a snapshot of the health of each campaign, either pre- or post-send. This allows marketers to know where to focus to improve performance. 

In addition to these new deliverability metrics, the tool will showcase renderings of short messages on Apple and Android devices, allowing marketers to craft the perfect message in locked, list and message views, so every word works its hardest. The tool also provides SMS link validation and landing page previews to make sure that actions taken on a short message truly have an impact.  

 “We couldn’t be more excited to bring these new powerful SMS tools to market,” said Matt McFee, Managing Director at Inbox Monster. “More than ever, our customers are using Email and SMS together to deliver results, and we remain committed to building martech bundles to support these journeys. The feedback from our customer community has already been tremendous.”

Get a look at the full capabilities of the tool or book a demo with the Inbox Monster team to get a closer look.

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