Mike Means Joins Inbox Monster, Bringing Enterprise CRM Growth Expertise

Written by
Inbox Monster

March 21, 2023

Inbox Monster announced today in a press release that Mike Means will be joining the team as Head of Global Sales, increasing the email signals platform’s firepower at a crucial moment of growth and innovation. The platform has shown impressive growth in the last two years, expanding to service world class brands in travel, retail and entertainment. 

Means has over 15 years of experience in the CRM and email industry, including an impressive track record of leading global enterprise growth efforts for a knockout roster of companies in the space. He previously held roles in both Enterprise Sales and Strategic Partnerships at BriteVerify, helping formulate a go-to-market strategy that grew the company to 6,500 customers in 95 countries. Most recently, he led enterprise accounts at Message Gears, bringing some of the most loved brands in the U.S. onto the customer engagement platform and helping fuel growth that led to $62 million in recent funding. 

In his new role, Means plans to implement a strategic growth plan on a global scale. In the future, he hopes to build out a stellar team of growth-minded leaders. 

Read the full press release here.

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